Please note: No payment(s) will be processed until your contract has been processed and you’ve received confirmation either via e-mail or phone from us.

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    About your website

    Which package do you want?*

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    About your website

    Setting up payments

    We partner with GoCardless to handle monthly payments. To add yourself to our system click the link below and fill out the details. Please note: No payment will be processed until your contract has been processed and you've received confirmation from us

    This link will open up a new tab/window to GoCardless.

    Click here to setup GoCardless

    Here at Quicklaunch we believe in being fully transparent in everything we do. Given the nature of our business we like to make sure all of our customers fully understand what our service entails and offers. So, with that in mind before you sign...

    1. The Quicklaunch service is a website delivery platform. You are signing up for a website and on-going support for as long as you are a customer.

    2. The contract has a minimum term (12 months) & rolls over after that. This is an on-going payment that continues for as long as you are a customer of Quicklaunch.

    3. We are NOT an search engine optimisation service (SEO). Our sites are built with the best SEO practices in mind (at the time of building) but we do not and can not guarantee improvements in ranking or overall search engine visibility.

    Terms and conditions can be found here. They will also be provided again with the contract confirmation e-mail.

    By agreeing to this agreement, You (and the company you represent) has retained Service Provider: Quicklaunch to proceed with the requested services, and agree to the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement.

    Furthermore that you are authorised to act on behalf of the company you represent and all the information supplied to Quicklaunch is fully valid and correct.